Monday, November 23, 2009

No practice at BOL on 1st December

There will be no practice at BOL on 1st Dec because the Gym is being used for examinations....poor blighters. I will probably avail myself of PT YMCA with Mark's club.
Ps...Got hit on shoulder Sat. Cannot move head, Hospital reckons I have sprained my neck, 1-6 weeks to recover. Getting better so hope only 1 week but won't make Wed and possibly next Sat.


Friday, November 20, 2009


There will be no practice tomorrow due to most of Sat regulars being at Mumeshi 3's event. However, while the teams are risking life and limb on the M4, I want the rest of club members to lie in bed and do visualisation of Kata practice. You will be examined on your Kata on Tues night(:->


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Possible new Dojo location

We have negotiated the use of the new dance studio at the Welsh Institute of Sport (WIS). Initially we will hire it for one month's practice. If we find it meets our requirements WIS are prepared to sign Akai Ryuu up on a permanent basis on Tues night at our usual time. It is a fantastic floor and also has the benefit of locker space, showers and does not close in the holidays.
At present the contractors are being asked to fix some minor outstanding items before WIS formally take it over. It should be available in the next month. I will keep you posted but meantime we will continue to use BOL.
