Monday, April 12, 2010

Regional Taikai at Bristol 20 April

Thought I had posted this at last week. Neil Donnelly, who runs Bristol club now, has offered to host the next regional Taikai (club competition). I shall not be taking part as he wants me to be one of the judges. So, as many as we can get to go across to make up at least a couple of teams. It's a very friendly affair with the guys and girls from Gloucester and Cheltenham also putting up teams. Good chance to practice for competition or grading. There will be a gi-keiko after the competition so that us wrinklies can get up a bit of a sweat! Then the plan is to go round to a nearby pub and sink a few pints. I shall probably be going from Usk but I can meet you all at the Coldra roundabout to econimise on cars on way across. We will speak about it on Tues, but as I hope most of the senior students will go, we will probably have to cancel Tues 20th at WIS (incl beginners if James wishes to the Pope a .... better not go there). Let me know numbers on Tues and settle travel arrangements either Tues or Sat.


Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Dojo Representative committee - Vote of No Confidence

See below the text of a vote of no confidence in Mike Davis. Looks like this could become an issue either as an e-vote or a vote at the Dojo reps meeting (DRC). As I fear that I will have to attend this gathering I would like you to read this and give me your opinion to take to the Meeting. The DRC was formed as one of the ways of giving members a greater say in the BKA. Let me know what you think. Thank you.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kazuyo Matsuda
To: Gary O'Donnell
Sent: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 18:54
Subject: Motion of no confidence

Gary hi,

As mentioned before please find below 'motion of no confidence' document against Mr Davis. Could you kindly distribute this document to all Dojo Reps for their voting and comments? I consider this would be the best way forward for the motion which is to go through DRC, for the following reasons:

1. I would like to share this with other DRC members
1. to make people aware of what has been happening prior to the 30 days deadline, for discussion with their members
2. to clarify a few areas that are important to the members especially Bu's financial aspect
3. e-voting before the AGM would probably reflect the true figure

Additionally I cannot be at the AGM but have a member from my club to present this at the AGM. If you could kindly help in anyways that would be most appreciated but if only you would vote on this motion of course.

I confirm that the facts listed in the document are true to my best knowledge. But if there are any points that need clarification please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards

A motion of no confidence is submitted against M. Davis 7th Dan Kyoshi BKA Kendo Bucho because:
(a) of financial impropriety
(b) of failure to consider the needs of BKA members
(c) of conduct unbecoming an officer of the BKA.

Financial impropriety:-
(i)Unreasonable ‘ expense claims’ with respect to subsistence expenditure and travel, including a failure to utilise UK resident ‘high grades’ for National & Regional events in preference to unnecessary personal attendance at events.
(ii) Failure to exercise proper budgetary control with respect to purchase of new scoreboards. There were insufficient quotations obtained for the work. There was then a failure to control expenditure. The resulting cost was nearly 3 times the original indication and the boards are not fit for purpose. There is also a matter concerning the purchase of a new computer when one had been offered at ‘no charge’
(iii) Failure to exercise proper budgetary control of the Kendo National squad expenditure with the result that there was a fiasco that was made public in respect to the European Kendo Championships.
(iv) Excessive expenditure for the ‘Intensive’ training programme.

Failure to consider members needs:-
There have been a number of calendar clashes between BKA and ‘members’ events which have presented the membership with unnecessary dilemmas. For example, the clash between Ozawa sensei’s seminar and the Kata seminar; the Chiba sensei seminar - Intensive training session and the Charity event; timetabling the BKA Open on the same weekend as the Kodokan seminar; the refusal to allow a grading on that weekend which would bring money to the BKA coffers. The timetabling of the Iwatate sensei seminar just before the Christmas period (bearing in mind the financial burden that families have at that time of year), all examples of insensitive scheduling and a neglect to consider the ‘real’ needs of the membership.

Conduct unbecoming:-
(i) At the Mumeshi grading of 2009 he was publicly unreasonable in his treatment of a member with severe learning difficulties. This resulted in an official complaint being made which is still unresolved.
(ii) He has used foul language in public whilst addressing BKA members on several occasions including juniors e.g. Sir Frank Bowden Taikai 2009 (There is a record of the language used which will be made available)
Both of these items ‘flag up’ serious concerns in respect to the Child Protection Policy the BKA currently has in place.

These actions in the opinion of the proposers constitute a serious case against Mr Davis because:-
Under article 11.10 he has ‘demonstrated less than satisfactory administrative skills’ and ‘been negligent in the execution of his duties.
In appendix 2 under the duties and responsibilities of Bu officers he has failed to ‘oversee the affairs of the Bu within the Bu financial budget’.
Article 2.1 of the constitution has been breached by him. This states ‘the Association is committed to encouraging the highest ethical standards and through practise the development of self-discipline and character’. As he is a high officer in the Association, this could constitute a reason for expulsion under Article 10.4 ‘the conduct of the member is injurious to the character and interests of the Association’

Under Byelaw 3: Contracts/procurement
Contracts or procurement of goods and services in excess of a
cumulative value of £500 in any one year shall be put out to tender
to at least 3 separate providers. A record shall be kept of these
tenders. The NC/BuEC may exercise judgement in balancing the
cost/quality of the tenders. … of the constitution

Frank's new toy

My new toy in a lister Petter diesel engine powering a Spencer Carter hydraulic pump, the reservoir of which you can see in the picture. The bit with the knobs is a dual flow regulator with "detent" flow controls. Two questions, can anyone explain how this detent control works? Secondly, does anyone know where I connect my hoses to power either a single ok double ram? The big fitment upper left is the return filter (I think), there are two 1/2" connectors on the dual flow regulator and there is the other connector, bottom left. Any hydraulics experts in the club or elsewhere in the ether?


Sunday, April 04, 2010

Dates for Akai Ryuu extended Sat Practice

These are the dates for our extended practice on 1st Saturday of each month. Venue is unchanged, the Heath leisure centre, from 0900 - 1100hrs.
1st May
5th June
3rd July
7th August
4th September
2nd October
6th November
4th December
I thought the first session yesterday was a great success and very well attended. It was great to have Dave, Yoshida and James there to keep us on the right track with regard to referee rules. Hopefully, Dave will get some of his guys to come to next practice on 1st May. Those of you who attend other clubs, please encourage their members to come along to our referee mornings! Any suggestions for improving the referee hour would be gratefully accepted(:-> Lastly, a warm thanks to all our visitors and an open invitation to come back any time.




Greetings on this Easter morning and a fine morning it is. Just had our dojo renewal and insurance form from BKA. The letter also tries to clear up some confusion about the "dojo keyword". This can be given to new members to allow them to enrol as full members from the outset. This keyword is set (and changed) by the dojo officers (I was not aware of this) through the dojo configuration interface! (I will investigate this)
If the member is able to supply a matching keyword when they enrol, they are permitted to take out full membership. Otherwise they are restricted to temporary membership. The users guide linked from provides full details of thi usage and other options available.
The membership secretary, Malcolm Smalley would like to encourage members to enrol on-line as it reduces his administrative burden and also reduces costs to BKA. I will try to access this configuration interface to set up our keyword. However, if any of you already have it let me know.
Ps pic is selection of throwing knives which I have made.

